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ź Wrath ٹƮ 2 ߴ. ôµ Ǹմϴ. 갫 絥 ֳ ȭ ϴ° » Ǵ ߰

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Dead Seeds

And you may trebmble before Hell's gates

You may watch as the Heavens fall

And you may scythe the hands of fate

You may heed the Siren's call

And you may reach every golden shore

Weave the screen pads in the heathen

And you may dance in the sands of the war

You may sleep in the cradle of Eden

Betrayed your prophets

Dead seed's been redeemed

A larve in your blood

The brain of the weak

And you may walk through the river on drought

You may strike down the giant with stone

And you may never again speak alive

Confess every sin and atone

For you may drink from the infidel's blood

As their civilisation collapses

You may rejoice in the cleanse of the flood

And stare into the face of a murderous

Betrayed your prophets

Dead seed's been redeemed

A larve in your blood

The brain of the weak

You will not comprehend

Or find words that will describe

The will of God has been, I'll tell you what

Someone dead

Betrayed your prophets

Dead seed's been redeemed

A larve in your blood

The brain of the weak

Betrayed your prophets

Dead seed's been redeemed

A larve in your blood

The brain of the weak

Total 27

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