Mad bullying disease

Apr 2nd 2009 | SEOUL
From The Economist print edition
Press freedom under attack

NORTH KOREA this week detained a South Korean man for criticising Kim Jong Ils regime and trying to lure a
female North Korean south. No surprise there. More strikingly, across the border, South Korean prosecutors
last week arrested a producer at the countrys second-biggest television station, Munhwa Broadcasting
Corporation (MBC), and four union members at a 24-hour TV news channel, YTN.

Lee Choon-keun, a producer at South Koreas best known investigative television programme, PD Notebook,
spent 48 hours in jail after a former agriculture minister and his deputy accused the programme of slandering
them in April 2008. The programme had asked whether American beef was free from mad-cow disease. The
prime minister, Han Seung-soo, says the information was misleading and led Korea into chaos by sparking
vast street demonstrations against the governments decision to resume imports of American beef. Arrest
warrants are out for five other PD Notebook journalists. Some MBC employees are sleeping in the stations
lobby to prevent police from seizing their videotapes and notes.

At YTN, the leader of its union, Roh Jong-myun, and three others were arrested for obstructing the president,
Gu Bon-hong, from entering his office. YTNs union feared that Mr Gu, who was appointed to his post by the
government last year, would undermine the stations editorial independence. Nearly half the channels
employees went on strike because of Mr Rohs detention, though the dispute was settled this week. Amnesty
International claims his arrest was part of an increasingly concerted effort by the government to control South
Koreas media. It says that last year the heads of four other media groups—the state-owned Korea
Broadcasting System (the countrys largest television station), Korean Broadcasting Advertising Corporation,
Arirang TV and Sky Life—were replaced by government supporters.

The ruling Grand National Party is now debating whether to make it a crime to post inaccurate or misleading
information on the internet. A blogger, Park Dae-sung, was arrested in December after being rude about the
governments economic management. He is still in jail. Every journalist in South Korea is fearful right now,
says PD Notebooks Mr Lee.

Copyright © 2009 The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group. All rights reserved.


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