̾ ost-Somewhere

Somewhere in the world

Somewhere in the dark

I can hear the voice that calls my name
θ ִ Ҹ

Might be a memory, Might be my future
ӿ? ʳ ?

Might be a love, Waiting for me
ƴϸ ٸ ִ ϱ?

Look me gently
ּ. ϰ

Hug me tenderly
Ⱦּ. ε巴

Till the morning breaks and night fades away

I've spent my time in vain trapped inside pain
ð Ծ

IDon't let me down, help me see the light

Feeling bitter and twisted all along

Wading through an empty life too long
ֺ ð ̴ٰ

I close my eyes listen to the wind
ä ٶ Ҹ ־

Longing to belong to a higher place

Let me hear your voice

Let me be with you
翡 ְ

When the shadow falls down upon me

Like a bird singing, Like a breeze blowing
ӻó, ٶó

It's calling me from somewhere in the world
װ ٷ 򰡿 θ Ҹ

Feeling bitter and twisted all along

Wading through an empty life too long
ֺ ð ̴ٰ

I close my eyes listen to the wind
ä ٶ Ҹ ־

Longing to belong to a higher place

Let me hear your voice

Let me be with you
翡 ְ

When the shadow falls down upon me

Like a bird singing, Like a breeze blowing
ӻó, ٶó

It's calling me from somewhere in the world
װ ٷ 򰡿 θ Ҹ

Somewhere in the world

βԵ ۷κost

پƴ°͵ Ǿεϴ°͸ ϰ͵ ׿

ٸ ̼ ΰ͸ Ͼּ


̳ʸ ... μ ̰͵ ̾߱ϱ⺸ٴ ̾߱ϴ ٶ, ۸ ȣǰ 𸣰ڴ󱸿.

ϳ , ׷ ѹ ȹ ... ȸص ҿ ϴٸ...

ʿ ȸ° ü... ҿ ϴ ̱ մϴٸ...

ݾ ̾߱, 뿡 Ե ѹ ...

 ,  , , ׸ ʿ, ʹ , 츮 3 ΰ Ƕ ˰ Ǿٴ ϴ...

ڱ ٸ, 츮 ä մϴ.
Total 48

ó    4  5  dz
˻ ˻