ȷ ƽó?
ȷ̶ ̵ ׵Ʈ Ĺġ 찡...û α⽺Ÿ Ǿϴ.

ġ Ͽ콺 ΰ Ư ŷ..
迡 ̸ ˷.

׷ ֱ ൿ ֽϴ.
Ķġ ڲ Ѿƴٴ...5 ׵鿡 ϳ ݴϴ.

ؼ ȷ Կ忡 ڵ տ ߽ϴ.
(̱ û ...)

Questions we have a right to ask in a democracy – Cameron, Theresa May, GCHQ, teachers, parents, each other. 

Hard drives smashed, journalists detained at airports – Democracy? 

Schedule 7 prior restraint – is this erosion of civil liberties winning the war on terror? 

What do they not want you to know? And how did they get to know it? Does the exposure of their techniques cause a threat to our security or does it just cause them embarrassment?  

׷ մϴ.
ѱ ǿ ״ ȴٴ..

Ͽ 츮 ̷ Ǹ ִ. ڱ , , , ...(ʹ ) 

۵ /ǥ - ǰ ´°?  

ùε ħν ν Ѱ £ ¸ߴ°?  

׵ ŵ ˱⸦ ʴ°?  ׵ װ ˰ Ǿ°? 
׵ 츮 Ⱥ ʷϴ° ƴϸ ׵鿡 Ȥ ״°? 

Total 430

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