18 뼱 ߴ Ÿ ص (andrew salmon) ڸ Ÿ ߿ Դϴ. ص ѱ 塯 å ̱⵵ մϴ. 

  Ȳ󡯶 ѱ 18 뼱 м ġ ܻԴϴ.  ª ǿ ٶϴ.


[ ĺ κ]

I dont see any left-of-center party fielding a better candidate than Moon any time soon. Not only did he have the perfect CV - jailed for anti-authoritarian protests; ex-human rights lawyer; ex-Roh Moo-hyun aide - he also ticked every Vladimir Putin-style alpha male box - Himalayan hiker; judo badass, ex-spec ops soldier. Add good-looking, smart, dynamic and charismatic into the mix, and you have him. When we look back with hindsight, Moon may be the best president South Korea never got.  

̷  ѱ 絵 κ ĺ 뼱 ų ʴ´. ״ Ϻ ̷ Ӹ ƴ϶- ƴ αǺȣ 빫 °̾,- ״ ְ ġ ̸ Ǫƾó 갡 ڿ Ư ̴. Դٰ ߻ ܸ γ, ̸ ī η ι ̴. (츮 ) ִ κ Ѻ  Ƹ ѱ ְ ( ) ̴. 



[ö ĺ κ]

Looking forward, Ahn Cheol-soo is no savior of the left (or the right or whatever constituency he represents); the man proved gutless. His vaunted new politics could more accurately be dubbed half-hearted politics. First he dilly-dallied on declaring his bid; then he pulled out of the fray when the going got tough; finally, even his endorsement of Moon was limp-wristed. Politics is for decision makers and risk takers, not scholars and wimps, and I dont think he has what it takes ? the ethics of a hungry shark married to the confidence of Twains Christian with four aces. Best return to the lecture theater, professor.   
, ö ְ ƴϴ. (Ǵ , Ȥ װ  ǥϵ ) ״ б ߴ. װ ڶϴ ġ ؼ ǰ (ָŸȣ) ġ ִ.  ù° ״ ڽ (뼱 ⸶) ϴµ ٹŷȴ. () ο(ȭ ) ȴ. ĺ ̾ߴ. ġ Ŀ() ũ Ŀ( ȸ ϴ ) ڳ ڸ ƴϴ. ö ̰͵ ִٰ ʴ´. -ũ Ʈ װ ̽ ũî ġ ָ (ġ 䱸ϴ )   ڱ Ȯ(ڽŰ) ؾ Ѵ. (ö)ְ ٽ ư ̴. 

ó - http://blog.donga.com/sjdhksk/


ִ '̹' '̷' ĺδ ְٰ ϴµ.
׸ ε ϱ 뼱 ǥϷ ͱѰű⵵ ϰ.

ݱ Ͼ Ϸ ǵ ̽, Ư ȣǿ װ ....

Ȱ ٸ ٴ . ΰ ǥ ϱ ¥ ͱѰǰ ϴ ڱ .ϱ. ȵ ̹ ġ .
Total 433

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