ٸ Ʈ Դµ ׿. ׷ о ϳ׿

, Ȱǻ 300 .. 1500 ǻ ǻȸ 𿴽ϴ.
ȸ忡 Ǵ 7 1Ϻ.. ּ 1 ̻.. 鳻 źϱ ߽ϴ.
Ȱǻ ѽ 鳻 źΰ ̽ Ǹ鼭, ֳ׿.
Ȱǻ ϰ ݹϰ ,
å ؿ Ȱǻ ΰ Ʊ Դϴ.

δ Ƿ '''' ϱ Ϸ ־ ֽϴ.
Ըؼ, ̸ 30 ְ ǻ鿡
'' պ Ͼ 𸣴ϱ, ȿ ˾Ƽ ض''

ΰ ϴ Դϴ. 忰 ϴ ϰ ߳ 쵵 ,
· ȯ 쿡 ġ ġ๰, ԿⰣ ʿѵ,
̷ ͵ 30 ȿ ȯڶ ǻ簡 ˾Ƽ ض.. ϴ .

̷ .. Ƿ Ƿ ұ δ å ϴ.
Ƿ谡 Ƿ λ ׷ 䱸߾ ų 1-2% ¿ ĿԴµ,
ϴ /ǿ Ƿ 10-20% å Դϴ.

Ȱǻ ͼ , å ڴ .. 100% ϸ ο ϴ.
׷, .. 鳻 Ƿ 30% ƹ鼭 ΰ Ȱǻ ģ.
ο ߴ.. ƿ ġ ļ 巯 ݹϴ Դϴ.

鳻 쿡 谨 Ƿ ȿ .. ǰ ΰü ƴ..
ǰ ΰü ؾ ϴ ȯ濡 ̰ ȰԴϴ.
׷ Ȱǻ ݹϰ ̱.. ̰ ϳ ¡ ȣź̶ ø ˴ϴ.
Ͽ ȥ ̾ ̴ϱ.

ΰ 뱹 ȫ ڷ ϴ ڷᰡ ֽϴ.  '', ؿ '' ̶ åε.
̰ Ǻ/ǰ/ɻ򰡿 Ƿ ڷԴϴ.
⿡ , ̷ ֽϴ.

ٽ Ǵ ,,  " ǷἭ񽺸 ʴ" Դϴ.
Ծ ǷἭ ϰų .. ο ϰ ֽϴ.
׷鼭 ׷ οؼ ڽŵ ޹ħϰ .

׷ ũ ?

-Ƿ / -1δ Ƿ

׷ ,  " ׻ ǷἭ񽺸 ǹϴ ƴϴ" ֽϴ.
׷, ȫ ڷῡ " Ƿ ǹϴ ƴϴ "   ϴ.

(׻ ~ ϴ ƴϴ)   vs   ( ~ ƴϴ)   ̰ ٸ Դϴ.
׷ δ ȫڷῡ ׷ ؼؼ οϰ ֽϴ. Ը    KBS ûп ɻ򰡿 Ҽ ׷ οϸ鼭 Ҹ ִµ..
report ãƺýϴ.

׷.. ̱ (state) 1δ  Ÿ ׷ε..
׷.. δ.. þ Ƿ .. ε鿡 ϰ ֽϴ.

, ̱ ޵ɾ 񽺸 ϰ ִµ,
̰ ѱ ǰ 缺 ڷᰡ ˴ϴ.
̱ ޵ɾ 񽺿 '' (DRG)'' ϰ ִµ,
ΰ ⼭ Ʈ οؼ ε鿡 ȫڷḦ .

׷ ? ( е ׳ Ʒ ũ ŵ ˴ϴ.)

Evidence on the Relationship Between Spending and Quality
The relationship between spending and quality is better understood for Medicare spending than for overall or non-Medicare health care spending, and it could be different for Medicare and the rest of the health care sector.

18 Several studies have examined the relationship between average spending and the quality of care provided to the Medicare population in different areas. The quality measures used are limited: Studies generally focus on relatively easy-to-measure standards of good medical practice, some of which are noted below.
The evidence does not indicate that higher Medicare spending is associated with better care for Medicare beneficiaries.

In fact, it suggests the opposite: After adjusting for other factors, areas with higher Medicare spending tend to score substantially worse on a composite indicator of the quality of care provided to Medicare beneficiaries. That finding is echoed in the work of the Dartmouth Atlas Project: Areas with higher end-of-life  expenditures in Medicare tend to perform worse in several dimensions of quality—particularly those that involve low-cost interventions (Fisher and others 2003a).

Even stronger evidence of the lack of an association between spending and quality of care comes from a state level study of the way patient care changed as spending changed over time (Baicker and Chandra 2004a). The

researchers found that if spending per Medicare beneficiary increased by $1,000 in a state, there was an associated decrease in most measures of good medical practice, including, for example, the share of heart attack patients who were given aspirin (a 3.6 percentage point decrease) or offered advice about smoking cessation(6.8 percentage points) at discharge, the share of pneumonia patients who received antibiotics within 8 hours of arrival at the hospital (2.0 percentage points), and the share of diabetes patients whose blood sugar concentrations were evaluated (3.2 percentage points).

Other studies have focused on other dimensions of quality, including patient satisfaction, functional status, and mortality rates. Fisher and others (2003a) identified regions (in this case HRRs) as high or low spending on the basis of Medicare expenditures at the end of life and showed that high-spending areas had aggregate mortality rates and mortality rates from several chronic diseases that either were slightly higher than or the same as rates in low-spending regions.20 Higher spending also was found not to be associated either with increased patient satisfaction or with improvements in patient function and health status (Fisher and others 2003b). And according to one study, physicians in high-spending areas noted more difficulty in coordinating care, providing for continuity of care, and communicating with other physicians (Sirovich and others 2006).

Two other recent studies that have analyzed the relationship among spending, medical treatment patterns, and health outcomes provide possible explanations for the lack of an association between higher spending and better health outcomes. Landrum and others (2008) showed that patients who had colorectal cancer and lived in high spending regions were more likely to receive chemotherapy than were similar patients in low-spending regions. And that treatment was given, it is critical to note, both to patients for whom it generally is recommended (those with stage III colon cancer) and to some for whom it is not and for whom it might in fact be harmful (those with stage I colon cancer, older patients, and those with multiple accompanying illnesses).

The implication is that patterns of higher-cost, higher intensity treatment could benefit some patients but harm others.

The second study examined treatment for heart attack (Chandra and Staiger 2007). Among heart attack patients, high-cost surgical intervention will be more appropriate in some cases, and low-cost medical management will be more appropriate in others. The researchers report that patients for whom the high-cost surgical treatment was more appropriate fared better if they lived in areas that practiced surgical procedures on more patients, which tend to be high-spending areas. But patients for whom low-cost medical management was more appropriate fared worse in high-intensity, high-spending areas.

Both studies suggest that the relationship between high cost, intensive treatment and health outcomes is complex and depends on the patient population and the disease being treated.
, ?  
ָҸ κ 2 ֽϴ. ( ۾ ǥس Դϴ.)

"ָ 1δ 1,000Ҿ Ҷ, Good Medical Practice( Ƿ ) ǥ ȭǾ.
, 帶 ȯڵ鿡 ƽǸ ϰų, ݿ ϰų, 索ȯڿ üũϰų,  ȯڿ 8ðȿ ׻ ϴ پ."

ϰ ֽϴ. ̰ ǹ̴ þ ǷἭ񽺰 ° ƴϳ.. ? ο ؼϰ , ޵ɾ ϰ ֱ⶧.. 빮 񽺰 ϰ ִٶ ° ϴ. ذ ? ݴ ڼϰ 帮ڽϴ.

ֱٿ ־ KBS û, п гη /а гε ߴ 캼 ʿ䰡 ֽϴ.   , 忰 ̵ · ȯ , պ ġⰣ µ.. Ƿ 忡 ΰ ִ 30δ.. ġᰡ ȵǴµ ϴ.. Ƿ ⿡ ؼ

׷ ִٴ° ˰, ٸȯ ġϸ鼭 ϱ ׷ Ƿ ˾Ƽ δָ鼭 ġ϶ ⸦ ֽϴ. Ѹ ٸȯ ġؼ Ƿ ˾Ƽ ޲ٶ .

̷ "强 ȭ" ΰǷẸ ߱ ʷϰ ɰ̰, 踦 ҷִ ǿǴ ǰ. պ ܵ OO 迡 Կϰ ġ޴ ҽϴ. ٷ ϼ~~̷ ɼ ֽϴ.

ȯڵ ǷἭ / ϶ ""ϱ ٴ..
ְ ǷἭ / ϶ "" Ϸ Ұ̱ Դϴ.

Ƿ ְڴٰ ص ҹ̱ Ұմϴٸ,
ΰǷẸ ؼ غ ֽϴ. ̷ ̷ .
ǷἭ񽺸 ϴ ڿ ϴ ҹε...
ȸ翡 ϰ ǷἭ񽺸 ޴° չ̶..  ̷ӽϴ.

޵ɾ Ѱ谡 ֱ 1δ Һ ϰ Ǹ, й ٸ ǷἭ񽺰 پٴ ְ  ֽϴ. й ֱ ǿ ǻ簡 ȯڿ óϴ ٷӰ . ֱ⵵..ֱ⵵.. ָ ȯڵ.. ǵ ְ Ѻ ٲٰ ǰ, ׷ .. ׶ ġḦ ڴ .  ׷ " Ƿ " ҷ ̾ ̱.   ذ ǽ?

ϸ ׻ Ƿ ̾ ƴ..
ϸ ׻ Ƿ ϶ ̾ մϴ..

Ƿ ̲, ϰ Ȯؾ Ƿ ϶ ʰԵ˴ϴ.
κ Ŀ ΰǷẸ Ȯ ̾ ֱ Ѻ մϴ

⼭ մ 縦 ϳ ο ? 帰 ִµ.. 6ʿ Դϴ.
ǰ 100% ϴ ΰ ؾߡ ݱ ߾ Ƴ ä

ä "Ǻ+ΰǺ ٶ"
30 Ǵ Ư, " Ƿ ⱸ "
Ȳ ̷ ư ֽϴ. ?

κп ̷ ϰ ֽϴ.
"-ġ ׿ ǰ (Ƿ )..  ̸,
αܰ ġ ޷ִٰ ϰ ִ."

Ƿ ̾ δ.. Ұ ۿϴ ̸,
α ġ ޶. ϰ ִ Դϴ.
"Ƿ Ƿ ̾ ʴ´" ʹ 繵 ٸ .
캸, ü Ƿ ϶ ǷἭ ߸ٴ ˼ֽϴ.

ο.. "Ƿ Ƿ ̾ ʴ´." ؼ ϸ鼭, ߰ ε ȫϰ ִ . Ǹ 뱹 . ̶ ɰ ϴ.  

, Ⱑ Ȱϰ ,
, Ⱑ ܿ콬鼭 Ƽ ˴ϴ.

ε ġ Ǹ ҿܵǰ, Ƿ Ƿ ͵ ҿܵä,
θ ϰ, ȸ縸 Ǵ ε.. ̷ ȫϰ .

δ ε鿡 ϴ,,, ͽϴ.

- ġ . ߰ ġ ǻorȯڰ ˾Ƽ ذؾ.
δ - , ȸ ݽุص ε, Ȯ
Ƿ ϴ, ΰ ذؾ
ǻ Ƿ ϶ ݿ ߴ.. ϸ鼭 ڸ ϰ ٸ â ؾߵ

-ȯ ȭ ġϴ ΰ ϴ
δ - . ġȲ Ȯϱ⵵ ư ߵǼ
. պ̳ ٸ ܵ ~ ּ. ϸ .. -_-;;
ǻ . ġϴ´ ȯڿ ο ҹְ, ġϴ¸ŭ
ȸ- .. ȯ ȭ ߰ ؾߵǹǷ .


ӿ ǻģ Ĺ ...
(ϰ б 2000 ʹݿ ģ Ǵ뿭dz ̹ 90 ߹ݿ ġ ٶ.. ׶ ǰ Ǵ Ǽ û ģ Ǵ븦 ... --;)

ü  ° ᱹ ȯڿ ذ ưٰ ϴµ.. ϸ ִ.

ѹαǻ ذ ε带 ʴ ѿ...( ذ ǻе鵵 ð...) غ ġḦ ٸ ٰ ... --a

ȸͺм + - ߿ϰ...'Always' ʿ ̴µ. ü ⼺ ̷ٴ° ִ° ȸͺмε 翬  Ʋ ְ.

̱ϰ 츮ϰ ǰ nhs ⺻⿡ .

ѱǿ Ƿἱñ ѵǼ Ƿ 캸ٴ, ƿ Ƿ ѵǼ Ƿ 찡 ϴ. ,  ġḦ ޴ 캸,  ƿ ġḦ ޴ 찡 ̴̰ϴ.

̷ Ȳ ǰ δ ٴ ǰ 强Ȯ ̾, ̴  ġ ޴ 찡 پٴ ǹ.

ȸ Ȯϴٰ ϴ.

ѱ Ƿٵ ְ Ƿص .

Ǻ δٴ Ϳ մϴ. ΰ ϴ ߿ ϱ. ׸ŭ ְ. ü Ƿ ٴ ׿.....
Total 74,600

ó    7036  7037  7038    dz