Mariano  Rivera Throws:  R        Total Outings: 64       Total Pitches:  979

Category Grade Key Stat selected outing(s) MLB Avg. Grade
Working Ahead in Count A 1st pitch strike % 62 % 58 % B+
1 of first 2 pitches for strike % 93 % 85 % A+
2 of first 3 pitches for strikes % 76 % 60 % A+
% of 0-1 counts that become 0-2 counts 57 % 47 % A
% of 1-1 counts that become 1-2 counts 70 % 53 % A+
Command A- Strike % of fastballs 69 % 64 % A-
Strike % of offspeed pitches
61 %
Finish Off Hitters A+ 2 strike at bats becoming outs 86 % 72 % A+
Offspeed Effectiveness
Well hit average vs. offspeed strikes *
% of offspeed pitch chased
31 %
Overall Effectiveness A Well-hit average (of AB's) * .089 .267 A+
Well-hit average (of strikes) * .033 .102 A+
On-base average against the pitcher * .191 .338 A+
% of batters faced who score * 4 % 12 % A
Dominance A % of outs that are K's in 4 pitches or less 22 % 11 % A+
123 innings % of complete innings pitched 52 % 31 % A+
Swing and miss % of strikes 18 % 14 % A-
Efficiency B % of PA's that go to 3 ball counts * 13 % 19 % A+
1st batter of inning out % 75 % 68 % A-
3 or less pitch PA's 45 % 47 % C
4 or less pitch PA's 68 % 65 % B
Battle Tendency A+ % of runners who score * 23 % 36 % A+
% of 2-0, 2-1, & 3 ball counts ending in outs 76 % 54 % A+
  Overall Grade A *Low numbers are better for these stats.  

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A+ ٸ Ÿ Ȳ.

Tim  Lincecum Throws:  R        Total Outings: 34       Total Pitches:  3682

Category Grade Key Stat selected outing(s) MLB Avg. Grade
Working Ahead in Count B- 1st pitch strike % 58 % 58 % B-
1 of first 2 pitches for strike % 84 % 85 % C+
2 of first 3 pitches for strikes % 61 % 60 % B-
% of 0-1 counts that become 0-2 counts 54 % 47 % A-
% of 1-1 counts that become 1-2 counts 58 % 53 % B+
Command C+ Strike % of fastballs 65 % 64 % B-
Strike % of offspeed pitches 60 % 61 % C+
Finish Off Hitters B 2 strike at bats becoming outs 75 % 72 % B
Offspeed Effectiveness B Well hit average vs. offspeed strikes * .057 .076 A-
% of offspeed pitch chased 32 % 31 % B-
Overall Effectiveness A- Well-hit average (of AB's) * .191 .267 A+
Well-hit average (of strikes) * .067 .102 A+
On-base average against the pitcher * .298 .338 A-
% of batters faced who score * 8 % 12 % B+
Dominance A % of outs that are K's in 4 pitches or less 19 % 11 % A+
123 innings % of complete innings pitched 38 % 31 % A-
Swing and miss % of strikes 20 % 14 % A
Efficiency D+ % of PA's that go to 3 ball counts * 21 % 19 % F
1st batter of inning out % 67 % 68 % C+
3 or less pitch PA's 42 % 47 % C-
4 or less pitch PA's 62 % 65 % C
Battle Tendency B+ % of runners who score * 22 % 36 % A+
% of 2-0, 2-1, & 3 ball counts ending in outs 56 % 54 % B-
  Overall Grade B+ *Low numbers are better for these stats.  

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CC  Sabathia Throws:  L        Total Outings: 36       Total Pitches:  3917

Category Grade Key Stat selected outing(s) MLB Avg. Grade
Working Ahead in Count A- 1st pitch strike % 63 % 58 % A-
1 of first 2 pitches for strike % 90 % 85 % A
2 of first 3 pitches for strikes % 67 % 60 % A-
% of 0-1 counts that become 0-2 counts 56 % 47 % A
% of 1-1 counts that become 1-2 counts 56 % 53 % B
Command B Strike % of fastballs 65 % 64 % B-
Strike % of offspeed pitches 67 % 61 % A-
Finish Off Hitters A 2 strike at bats becoming outs 80 % 72 % A
Offspeed Effectiveness A+ Well hit average vs. offspeed strikes * .040 .076 A+
% of offspeed pitch chased 43 % 31 % A+
Overall Effectiveness A Well-hit average (of AB's) * .183 .267 A+
Well-hit average (of strikes) * .067 .102 A+
On-base average against the pitcher * .288 .338 A
% of batters faced who score * 9 % 12 % B+
Dominance A % of outs that are K's in 4 pitches or less 15 % 11 % B+
123 innings % of complete innings pitched 46 % 31 % A+
Swing and miss % of strikes 22 % 14 % A+
Efficiency B- % of PA's that go to 3 ball counts * 16 % 19 % A+
1st batter of inning out % 67 % 68 % C+
3 or less pitch PA's 47 % 47 % B-
4 or less pitch PA's 64 % 65 % C+
Battle Tendency A % of runners who score * 24 % 36 % A+
% of 2-0, 2-1, & 3 ball counts ending in outs 61 % 54 % A-
  Overall Grade A- *Low numbers are better for these stats.

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Total 22

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