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Thinking inside the box
ڽ ȿ ϱ
Varitek, pitchers have a plan of attack
踮 ĵ鿡Դ ȹ ( ) ִ

By Tony Massarotti
Globe Staff / July 19, 2009

Poking the air with his right index finger as if he were dotting a blackboard with a piece of chalk, Jason Varitek sat in front of his locker recently and marked the four corners of the major league strike zone. Within that box, routinely superimposed on television during most any game broadcast, Red Sox pitchers and their catcher attempt to execute their daily strategy.

ڱ Ŀ տ ä, ĥǿ ʷ ̽ 踮 հ Ʈũ ¡ϴ ϴ.  ϻ TV ӿ ڽ ӿ, 轺  ׵ Ϸ ־ϴ.

Even in such a relatively small space, there are countless options.
ô̳ ӿ ֽϴ.

There are different ways you can go, said Varitek. Take [Mike] Timlin, he could four-seam away, sink away, and cut away, so hes created this.
" ( ִ) ٸ ־." 踮 ̾߱Ѵ.
" . ģ , Ŀ, Ŀͷ .
׷ ״ ̷ "

Now, as if chopping the side of one hand with the other, Varitek formed an X to mark one corner of the plate.
ٸ ڸ
踮 Xڸ ÷Ʈ ڳʸ ũմϴ.

One [pitch] goes beneath the barrel [of the bat], one goes over the barrel, and one goes across the barrel, Varitek continued. Thats basically three varieties of one pitch - a fastball.

"Ī ϳ Ʒ ϰ , ٸ ϳ ,
ٸ ϳ °. "
⺻δ , 3 پ ִٴ°.

This is the game Varitek plays on a nightly basis, the variables being the opponent, his batterymate, and the effectiveness of any particular pitch at a given moment. There is almost always something to work with. Along with the man standing on the mound, Variteks job is to devise a strategy and execute it through information obtained from a variety of sources - scouts, coaches, pitchers, his own experiences - a smaller-scale challenge akin to a football coach devising a weekly game plan.
踮 Ϲ㸶 ϴ ̰, (Ÿ), ͸ ¦(ڱ ) ׸ ѱ ѱ Ȳ 󸶳 ȿ̳ Դϴ.  Ȳ غ ΰ ֽϴ. 踮 ӹ 忡 ִ Բ ҽ, ī, , , ڱ ,  ¥, ̸ ϴ Դϴ. Dz ְ ȹ ҵ .

Through the All-Star break, for those who believe in such things, Varitek had a catchers ERA of 3.80 - the ERA of Red Sox pitchers when he is behind the plate - a number that was the best in the American League among those who had caught at least 50 games. (By contrast, the catchers ERA of George Kottaras was more than a full run higher, 4.89, though he works almost exclusively with Tim Wakefield.) That number is not a commentary on Varitek so much as it is a reflection of the harmony that generally exists between Red Sox pitchers and their starting catcher, a man regarded throughout baseball as one of the best in the game when it comes to handling a pitching staff.
ýŸ 극ũ , ׷ ִٰ ô е ôٸ, 踮 å 3.80 ̾ (װ ÷Ʈ ڿ 轺 å) ̴ Ƹ޸ĭ ׿ ּ 50 ̻ ġ ( ġ)ϴ. (ݸ鿡 Ÿ å ַ ũʵ ´ 1̳ 4.89ϴ) ġ ܼ 踮 ǹϴ ƴ϶, ڿ ٷ Ϳ ־ ŭ ߱ ü Ʋ ְ ٰ Ҹ 踮ذ 轺 ̿ ϴ ȭ ϴ ǥ ϰڽϴ.

Its one thing to have the necessary artillery to get hitters out. Its another to use it properly.
Ÿڵ ƿŰ ؼ ʿ () ߴ ͵ ߿,
̸ ϴ° ߿մϴ.

Varitek shook his head when asked if he had a general philosophy on pitching: Theres no one way to get people out because every [pitcher] is good at something.
Ϲݷ ִİ , 踮 鼭 ̾߱մϴ.
" ƿŰ ȹϼ ϴ.
  ϳ ϱ "

Or, more precisely, something different.
Ȯϰ ̾߱ڸ, "ΰ ٸ ֱ "

A lot on his plate
÷Ʈ .....

Lets start with Jon Lester, who, beginning April 29 of last season, has blossomed into one of the elite power lefthanders in the game. During that span, Lester is 23-10 with a 3.23 ERA, which ranks behind only CC Sabathia, Johan Santana, and Cliff Lee among qualifying lefties in the major leagues. Other than Lester, only Lee (22-12) has spent all of that time in the AL, where the presence of the designated hitter makes the challenge of pitching more difficult.
۳ 4 29 ̷ Ʈ ¿ ŵ쳭 غô. Ⱓ ʹ 23 10 3.23 ERA , ̴ ̴׼ ä ٽþ, Ÿ, Ŭ Դϴ. ͸ Ѵٸ,  Ŭ (22 12) Ÿ 簡 ٷӰ ϴ Ƹ޸ĭ ׿ ־ϴ.

For the most part, Lester operates with five pitches - a changeup, curveball, and fastball, the latter of which can come in the form of a two-seamer, four-seamer, or cutter, all of which move differently. In Lesters case, because he is lefthanded, the two-seamer breaks in on a lefthanded batter, the cutter breaks in on a righthanded batter, and the four-seamer crosses the plate in what is closest to a straight line (but with the greatest velocity).

κ ʹ ټ , ü, Ŀ, , ߿ ٸ Ȥ Ŀ, ϴ. ʹ ޼̱ Ÿ ̰, Ŀʹ Ÿ ̸, ÷Ʈ մϴ. ( ӵ )

Generally speaking, Lesters bread-and-butter pitch is the cutter, a pitch he can throw in the low 90s and with sharp, aggressive movement in on righthanded batters. With that pitch alone, he can make righties extremely defensive. (For hitters, hard inside pitches are often the most uncomfortable.) Lesters problems earlier this season came when he was unable to control the inside of the plate against lefties, which is to say he had trouble throwing, with velocity and movement, to the first base side (or, in his case, arm side) of the plate.

Ϲ ̾߱ڸ, "" Ÿ ϰ ̴  90 ʹ ĿԴϴ. Ī ϳε ״ Ÿڵ ֽϴ. (Ÿڵ鿡Դ ϰ մϴ) Ÿڸ Ҷ ʰ Ʈ Ȳ Ͽ Ͼ ̾. ڸ 1 ÷Ʈ(Ȥ ϴ ÷Ʈ) ӵ Ʈ Ͽ µ ָ Ծٴ .

(; ؾȵǽô е   )

A lot of pitchers get comfortable on one side of the plate, said Red Sox manager Terry Francona, who might also have used Timlin as an example. Maybe a righty can throw arm side to a lefthanded hitter because [the plate] is open. Maybe a righty cant throw inside to a righty because hes afraid he might hit him or leave it out over the middle of the plate.

" ÷Ʈ ʿ ͼ ؿ." 轺 ׸ ڳ ̾߱մϴ. ÷Ʈ ֱ⿡ Ÿ ٱ ְ, Ÿڸ , Ȥ  ϼ ־.

Lesters the one who, when hes commanding both sides - a hitter cant just section off one part of the plate. Its hard for them to know whats coming.

ʹ ÷Ʈ ο ߵ , Ÿڰ ÷Ʈ ϰ ŸҼ ϴ.  ϱⰡ .

In Lesters first 10 starts this year, while he was going 3-5 with a 6.07 ERA, pitching coach John Farrell basically attributed the pitchers problems to command of the two-seam fastball on the arm side of the plate (in this case, again, down and in to lefties). To that point in the season, lefthanded batters were hitting .300 against Lester with a whopping .614 slugging percentage, .965 OPS, and six home runs. In 2008, he allowed just three home runs to lefthanded batters all year.

ý ù 10 3 5п 6.07ERA , ġ ķ ⺻ ÷Ʈ нƮ (̰ Ÿ Ʒ ) Ŀǵ忡 ߽ϴ. ׶ Ÿڵ и 3, 0.614 û ġ Ÿ, 0.965 OPS, 6Ȩ  ־ϴ. 2008⿡ Ÿڸ 3Ȩ ʾҴµ .

Since that time, in eight games, lefties have hit .234 against Lester with a .255 slugging percentage, .530 OPS, and zero homers. During that span, he is 5-1 with a 1.48 ERA, the only loss being a 2-1, rain-shortened, five-inning affair against the Florida Marlins.

׶ ( ) ʹ 8ӵ Ÿڵ鿡 0.234, 0.245 SLG, 0.530OPS , Ȩ 0 ʰԵ˴ϴ. ױⰣ ״ 5 1 1.48ERA , й õ Ͽ 5̴ Ź 2-1  й ϴ.

The day Lester reclaimed the arm side of the plate was the day his season changed.

Ͱ ÷Ʈ ã ׳ ٲϴ.

X marks the spot
X ǥմϴ.

For any pitcher, the ultimate goal is to attack both sides of the plate from different points of entry - inside out, outside in - a skill that produces the same X Varitek made with his hands. When Pedro Martínez was in his prime with the Red Sox, armed with an array of crisp pitches that could move in all directions, he could carve up home plate, against righties and lefties, as if he were serving pumpkin pie.

 Ե, ñ ǥ ÷Ʈ ٸ Ի Բ Ͽ ϴ Դϴ. ʿ ٱ, ٱʿ ,,,,, 踮 X ڸ ذͰ ó Xڸ  . Ƽ   Ʋ ä 轺 ⸦ , Ÿڵ Ÿڵ ״ ġ ȣ̸ ڸ ÷Ʈ ߶ ־ϴ.

Hitters couldnt focus on the outer half of the plate because Martínez would beat them in. And they couldnt focus on the inner half of the plate because Martínez could pierce them away.

Ƽ ̱⿡ Ÿڵ ٱ ÷Ʈ  Ҽ , ٱ ̱⿡, ÷Ʈ .

Of course, with regard to operating with sheer precision and movement on both sides of the plate, one name among recent pitchers stands out above all others.

԰ Բ ÷Ʈ Ʈִ ־⿡, 翬 ״ ٷ ܿ ̴ 翴ϴ.

Maddux, said Francona, referring to future Hall of Famer Greg Maddux, the four-time Cy Young Award winner who could manipulate the ball as if guiding it with a joystick. He could throw that one right there [two-seamer inside] and he could live away. When we came [to Atlanta] with Philadelphia, we would marvel at the way they would set their defense. Theyd play the off-field outfielder almost on the line.

̷  , ̿  4ȸ  ڿ ġ ̽ƽ ϵ  ־ "Ŵ" ڳ ϴ.

" ϳ   űٰ(  ) ־ٴϱ" ʶǾ ִ (ڳ ʸ   ) ƲŸ µ, ģ   °ſ  . ܾ߼ ˴ óٰ 󱸿"

And so, as Maddux wore out the outside corner, opponents hit one weak opposite-field fly after the next.

׷, Ŵ ٱ ڳʰ  ⵵    , ʷ ϵ ܾö̸ Ĵ.

Of course, Maddux, who won 355 games in his 23-year career, is an exception. For most pitchers, commanding both sides of the plate is far more difficult - and it can take years (or infinity) to master. Remember the comeback two-seamer Derek Lowe used to strike out Terrence Long for the final out in Game 5 of the 2003 AL Division Series between the Red Sox and Oakland As? A year earlier, while suffering through a miserable year as the Boston closer, Lowe could not execute that pitch consistently. The result was a tumultuous season that led to Lowes resurrection as a starter - and one that made him a far better pitcher, too.

23⵿ 355 Ŵ ۿ ϴ. κ ĵ鿡 ÷Ʈ ϴ ξ ƽϴ. ̸ ϴ Ϳ ɸ ֽϴ. Ŭ 2003 ALDS 5 ΰ ׷ Ĺ Ͻô? Ͽ ϰ ִ 1ص  δ ϰ ְ ߽ϴ. ߳ ̾, ̴ θ ٽ ߷ ϴ. ׸ ξ .

By the time the Oakland series ended, Lowe had used the pitch against a succession of lefthanded batters, striking out Long and before him the lefthanded-hitting Adam Melhuse looking with the game, series, and season on the line.

Ŭ ø , δ Ÿڵ鿡 ޾ ϴ. װ, Ÿڿ Ÿ ƴ  ŷ  ҽϴ. , ø, ׸ ɰ . 

That was as clutch as you can possibly be, Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein said of Lowe at the time. I dont know how many pitchers in the game have the guts to make those pitches.

"װ Ŭġ ġ̾. " 轺 GM ׿ Ÿ ׶ ο ̾߱մϴ."׷ ¯ ִ ̳ ɱ?"

Said Varitek, That strike three pitch was the best pitch hes ever made.

踮 ̾߱մϴ. " 3° Ʈũ װ ְ "

To Melhuse or to Long?

? ̿?

Both of them, Varitek said.

" ٿ"

This brings us to righthander Justin Masterson, the talented young pitcher who, stylistically, is the best comparison to Lowe among those currently on the Boston roster. Like Lowe, Masterson is a sinkerballer who relies largely on the movement of his two-seamer (or sinker) to produce ground outs. Like Lowe early in his career, Masterson has trouble on the inner half of the plate against lefties (in this case, Mastersons glove side). Sometimes, Mastersons two-seamer tails back over the plate, where it gets pounded. Sometimes, it doesnt tail enough and misses the plate. Masterson is thus left to combat lefties with a slider that darts down and in, albeit at a lesser velocity, but his overall inability to deal with lefties is an ongoing issue.

̾߱ ʿ, νͿ Ÿϻ ο , ִ ƾ ͽ( ε) ̾߱⸦ ϴ. ó Žͽ ó  ɰ Ŀ ƿ ̲ ɷ¿ ϴ ĿԴϴ. ó ʱ Ŀ Žͽ Ÿڸ Ҷ ÷Ʈ (Žͽ ۷곤 ) ޾Խϴ.  Žͽ ÷Ʈ ʹ 鼭 Ÿ ϴ°ϸ,  ϴ Թϰ ÷Ʈ ϱ⵵ մϴ. ׷ ͽ Ÿڸ Ҷ ¿ Ÿ Ʒ  ϳ, ӵ ̴ ۿ , Ÿ ɷ ǰ ֽϴ.

So far this year, lefties are batting .317 with an .864 slugging percentage against Masterson, helping to explain why he has seemingly taken a step back in his development. He is still learning. He is still just 24 years old. Current Red Sox officials, in particular, have demonstrated great patience with their young pitchers, from Lester to Masterson and beyond, largely because the strike zone, as small as it seems, takes years to master.

ݱ Ÿڵ ͽ 0.317, 0.864 SLG ϰ ְ, ġ ͽ ⷮ ɷ ϴµ ˴ϴ. ״ ְ 24  ʽϴ. 轺 Ʈ, Ư  ͺ ͽ ׸ ѺԽϴ. ֳĸ Ʈũ ۰ ̱ մϴٸ ϴ Ϳ ɸ Դϴ.

After all, most pitchers struggle early in their careers. Even Maddux, who was 8-18 with an ERA over 5.00 in his first two big league seasons.

â⿡ մϴ. Ŵ ù 𵿾 8 18п 5.00ERA ߾.

Together, armed with countless options, the pitcher and catcher of the Red Sox must negotiate their way through the imaginary box hovering over home plate.

ɼ ä, 轺 ,Ȩ÷Ʈ ִ ڽ ij ҰԴϴ.



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! PS3 MLB The Show ϽǶ ϸ մϴ.


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Total 22

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