[Francis Poetry] Candlelight In The Darkness
...̰ 縦 ص ڽϴٸ ̶ 縦 غ մϴ ƹ ʹ ΰ Խΰ Ƽ ṵ̀ų ġ ö ̻ڰ ֽð Ź ^^;;;
ó ø ô кȸ 1 кȸ ٿ鼭 õ Դϴ ǰΰ Ƽ ÷ϴ ^^ кȸ 2 ۵Ǿ... ƴ ʽ ʰ ƴϴ ϴ ߰ڳ ^^
뷡ε Ⱑ Ƽ ÷غýϴ ^^;
everyday,black armor equipped perpetrator
make black sky much darker
how many hope's flame
blown out by thier slain...
everytime our minds were volatilized
in the dark night sky of mazed
but for protect our democracy right
tonight,in the darkness we light the hope of candlelight
even if blue house's selfish and immorality
makes our hope and sensibility
dye into darkness and desperation
their contradictions will be arrive final station
what lead us drive into desperation?
even if any pain or isolation
we need to raise our against light
instead of glory of darkness-meet
judge these people of selfish and arrogrance
by our light and innocence
for protect our democracy light
tonight,in the darkness we light hope of candlelight
(Ҽ к)
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